-Treaty Reinsurance, forms one of the main component of Business of LIBS.We specialize in providing treaty solutions to Cedants and are an effective direct and retro cession  treaty broker, for the Cedant.

- LIBS participates in the treaty program of several Insurers in Asia, Africa and the Middle East, and is keenly but steadily expanding into other territories.

- We conduct a Treaty review for all of prospective and existing clients, to design the most effective treaty program for them. Audit of the current Treaty program of the Cedant, is an immense value addition that we at Limitless provide.

- LIBS, works closely and directly with several Re-insurers and Insurers, and has facilitated several negotiations, between the Cedant and The Re-insurer. Limitless, is reckoned for the immense transparency with which treaty business is conducted.

- LIBS prides itself of advising clients for more than 8 years in Treaty Reinsurance. We believe  Treaty Reinsurance is a technical art, and treaty advisory is a very responsible job, wherein several aspects of the company, are taken into account while doing.  Vertical Placement of Treaties at differential terms is an art Limitless has mastered, and something that benefits both the Cedant's and Re-insurers to build a large long term relationship between them.

-LIBS is part of several retro cession  programs in Africa, Middle East and Asia, and has noted experience in getting terms from leading retro reinsurers. LIBS conducts a technical review in this class of business as well, which becomes very essential for reinsurers and becomes an important component of their underwriting profits and reinsurance savings.

LIBS draws its deep expertise in Treaty  reinsurance from its rich lineage in designing reinsurance programs. We give great impetus to understanding the retention philosophy of our clients along with other common parameters such as the premium income, geographical spread, risk type etc.

Our team is committed towards delivering bespoke solutions to our clients and at the same time have a keen understanding of their portfolio. We understand that conventional methods may not always yield results. .

Treaty Reinsurance is used for

Industry wise
Marine Cargo
Jewellers Block