Several Treaties have incepted on quota share lately in this piece of business and Limitless works closely with Several Insurers on this business. Limitless has noted experience in doing the same. Limitless, has designed the concept of Marine Quota Share program in some of the large Insurers in India. This business is increasing seeing  immense requirement of reinsurance support on a treaty basis and Limitless has been able to structure quota share and XOL treaties on this class of business. XOL Treaties have been the most common, however, increasingly marine quota share is being taken, but this requires setting retention levels optimally that benefits the Insurers, and also makes commercial sense to the Re insurer. Limitless, truly believes in every treaty business, it is essential to have the Re insurer benefit commercially, in the long run, and this would greatly effect the Insurers.
Marine Hull, is a specialised area of business, and is placed both on facultative and treaty basis. Limitless, has been able to design treaty business for this line. Our Specialised team, places this business into the well Rated Markets globally.


Limitless, has also been able to conduct a treaty review and audit of the past marine treaties of several clients, in Asia and Africa and redesign the program, stitched carefully in accordance to their needs.