The entire objective of forming LIBS, was to ensure seamless claims services to the Insurers. Limitless, has been able to solve proportional claims with reinsurers, which were pending since the last several years, after being appointed as brokers for the particular account in question. Handling Claims is a special art. The promoters of the company, have had immense experience in Claims, to ensure a seamless claims service to the Insurers. There have been immensely tough situations that our management has encountered but that has not deterred us to ensure the seamless service.

Limitless, is steadfast, in providing all the claims related documents to the reinsurers/ retrocession reinsurers to ensure fast settlement of claims. Many are of the view, that claims are an important function only in direct business, however we are Limitless feel, that Claims is the most integral function in every Risk Transfer process. At Limitless, you are assured of a seamless claims experience always and throughout. In Reinsurance claims, its experience that counts, and we can assure, you can count on Limitless for the same.