Limitless, has been instrumental in providing actuarial consulting to Insurers & Reinsurers globally. It has been several years since Limitless has been engaged in this activity and has successfully executed a few projects with great acclaim. With the pool of trained actuaries that the company employs it is able to provide this consulting in both the general and life insurance segment. We have assisted clients in new product development as turn key project, including assisting our clients, to make presentations to their concerned regulators. Consulting on pricing on general and life insurance products has also been provided , including niche segments such as agriculture insurance.
Please reach to us for the same., and we would be pleased to assist you, we have worked on this, on several geographies.
Limitless in detail provides the following services in General Insurance.
- Product Pricing and Development across retail, commercial and speciality lines of business
- Reserving across all lines of business spanning across retail, commercial and speciality lines. This includes both stochastic and deterministic reserving.
- Capital driven Business and Risk Strategy; Financial Planning
- Planning and Designing of Reinsurance solutions including structured solutions (ART) with RTT; Evaluation and analysis of CAT modelling reports; Evaluation and Analysis of Commutation agreements/offer.
- ERM implementation based on COSO.
- Facilitating transition to and implementation of IFRS implementation
- Asset Liability Management and Investment Policy
- System design and UAT analysis
- Design of Government Mass Schemes e.g. Health, Accident
- Financial Condition Report
- Regulatory Economic Capital Modelling