Limitless can responsibly claim that it understands this piece of business better than most reinsurance intermediaries. We have a complete understanding of this class on business, and have structured quota share treaties for several of our clients with very well rated securities. We believe this is a growing segment globally and thus requires comprehension of its nitty gritty which we are able to provide. Limitless, is extremely keen to assist its clients on these products. The extended warranty is for the motor vehicles as well as the white and brown goods, that includes IT and electronic appliances. This can further stretch to furnitures and possibly anything that would require maintenance in the long run. Globally, we are seeing an increasing set of end consumers, that would want a professional and continuous maintenance of their products purchased post the manufacture's warranty ends, thus there is a need for Insurance and the subsequent Reinsurance of the same.

Please approach us for the same, and we would be most happy to assist you on this.. This business can be addressed on both Treaty and Facultative forms of reinsurance. Limitless is capable to work smoothly on both these classes of business.