Our Inspiration

Mr. P. K. Mor

(12 Nov 49-Forever)

Mr. P.K.Mor, Started his career in 1971, from National Insurance, India, and grew the ranks, to be the part of the top brass with GIC Re, when it was taking the shape of being a Sole Reinsurer for the Indian Market, post the IRDA Act, in 1999.

The Prime Objective of Limitless, will always be to practise the principles and professional values of Mr Mor, who remains alive in the hearts and minds of Industry Professionals even today. It is the endeavour of the venture to keep Mr Mor Immortal and amongst all that we do, this core objective is embedded.

Licensed by the IRDA on 28 April 2017 vide License Code IRDA/RB607/15, Limitless prides itself in being a bespoke reinsurance broker with deep expertise in designing Treaty and Facultative reinsurance backed by its pedigree. The Promoters take deep interest in designing reinsurance solutions for its clients in the various geographies it operates in. Limitless, believes in innovating and adding value to each of the contracts it is associated with.

The company is treading fast the path of becoming a successful story of Limitless Solutions with Seamless Growth. We believe the opportunities to work and succeed are Limitless and so are the possibilities to experiment and innovate. Limitless continues to thrive to become the first choice not only for Insurers and Reinsurers, but also aspirants who would like to join the Reinsurance Industry, and be a part of the new age innovative era in this industry.
Our Strong Lineage denotes, trust, impeccability, integrity and sustainable growth.


Our Vision

To progress alongside all our stakeholders. To Excel among Reinsurance providers by being innovative and through high standards of quality and be spoke service.

Our Objective

To provide consistent high quality service to our customers at competitive prices.

Our Values

Conduct business with Complete Integrity through compliance of all laws and regulations governing reinsurance business.


Our human capital is extremely specialized with various specialty solutions and adept in handling challenging situations through innovative solutions. We balance expectations of our Cedants and the proposition of our Reinsurers to effectively drive desired results. This is achieved by the collective expertise of our professionals and we stop at nothing but success!

GLOCAL APPROACH- Global Experience & Local Customized Solutions
Being in this niche area of business, we recognize the impact of having global partnerships along with strong local connections. This puts us in an extremely favourable position with the Reinsurers in seeking desired terms for our Cedants due to the huge throughput of business for the Reinsurers.

Bespoke and Agile
" We believe that everything that has to be done, can be done in a better manner". This drives our attitude towards making improvements and enhancements in our services towards our clients. Simultaneously we also believe in targeted and benefit driven improvements.

Committed and Independent
We believe (Re)Insurance is more of understanding the demands and needs of the clients than just delivering solutions without much thought. The art is in recognizing the interests of the client in the nuances of discussions and communications and applying a pragmatic approach. Limitless is one of the very few Indian Reinsurance Brokers, who understand this , and this is an integral part of our DNA.